Pauli Exclusion
There seems to be an analog of everything quantum, in terms of minds.
When I commute through automotive and pedestrian traffic in confined
spaces and times, I find many of the combinatorics of dynamics very
People travel in pairs talking while blocking individuals travelling
in single file who desparately seek to pass these talking pairs.
Cars often tend to travel slower in the center lane of three lane
highways while speedier cars pass on the outside; much like the skin
effect of electrons in a conductor.
Many of the effects coming to attention like Cooper's pairs and
photon bunching seem to address the traffic flows of 'particles'
or particle groups. The patterns of traffic of people, money,
information, seem to have many similarities with the traffic of
quanta; and seem largely due to the topology of their conductors as
well as the 'subjective' topology of the particles themselves (here
I include the "wavefunction" as an analog of "subjective").
If people may for arguments sake be taken as models of electrons
in this manner the electrostatic force is not a 'force' at all but
the interaction of distinct space-time geometries, and perhaps
Einstein would have liked this idea. Are all forces are modelable
as interacting, but at some level distinct space-times ?
Then all forces are viewable as the extent of the
'impedance matching' or the degree of the orthogonality or
non-orthogonality of distinct space-times that they embody.
The space-times are superposed in local communication, or
entangled non-locally in their memories of past interactions.
People may act like electrons under Pauli exclusion in that the
inherent dichotomy in East (spatial), and West (temporal) produce
an interaction of complementary subjective space-times. At work,
there is a noticeably distinct border or phase partition
between Marketing and Data Processing functions. Marketing and DP
reject each other and speak totally different languages.
Marketing is more spatial or associative in its language and DP
is more temporal or particulate in its language. Marketing is
'pie in the sky' (probability waves), while DP wants facts and
tangibles (particles). Marketing wants continuity and dialogue,
DP wants closure and debate. These languages clash and and there
is a definite repulsive effect between these two groups of people.
Their languages create subjective space-times which repulse each other.
Only through a mediation of _translating_ middle managers do these
two groups get together and accomplish anything. That translation is
a Fourier like transform of a spatially centered language to a
temporally centered language. Sometimes many levels of translation
are necessary but the outcome is always delayed in time from its
vague beginnings in Marketing to its tangible implementation in DP.
The uncertainty is inherent in the "Telephone effect" that Stephan
has told me of where translations are inherently indeterminate between
separate space-time systems.
It's interesting that people tend to be uncertain about the simplest
things and yet so certain about the most complex of things.
The mere 'second' of time is so determinate that we can
measure its passing and standardize it; and yet, whereas science
usually forgoes remeasuring things it is certain of (time or space
invariants like the validity of the law of large numbers) it measures
the 'second' over and over as if we were uncertain whether the next
second was going to occur at all. We don't test the "law of large
numbers" explicitly as often as we test or measure that simplest
thing the 'second'.
When we are certain about something mentatively, it seems to lead
eventually to heartbreak when an exception appears.
When we are uncertain about something in heart, it seems to lead
eventually to a mentative breakdown, when certainty or reality
(I used the Taoist/Buddhist definition of 'mentation' as logical
cognition as opposed to the more associative analogy employed by
the 'heart'; in terms of left and right brain activities the left
brain is the logical or temporal side while the right brain is the
associative, spatial or emotive side).
Perhaps the corpus callosum itself is a Fourier like decimation
linkage between these two complementary domains; the Marketing
and DP departments in each of us.
There is no point anymore to many things. It's like the fate of my
ultrasonic 3-d scanner invention, once I realized it could be
done, it became no longer necessary to work on it, the others
would eventually do it for me; and they did, with more
backing than I would have gotten (Sam Macgruder[1] ultimately
reached this same conclusion about trying to help
the mammals progress faster while he was trapped in the
paleolithic, it's a marvelous book and very much equivalent to
HHGTTG[2]. At one point Simpson writes "The questions are the
This is the way it is for complex systems. When we can
predict something about them, we no longer need to
measure that fact over and over. The sun will rise tomorrow,
there's no need to measure whether it did or not.
But in the case of much simpler things, we are always
uncertain of them. The mere 'second' of time we measure over
and over as if we were not sure the next one would come
or not.
The simplest things like the 'second' we are so certain
about in its duration, and yet so uncertain about in it's
Of the more complex things, we are so certain of their arrival
but uncertain about their duration. We cannot say when
the sun will not rise again.
This is just the Heisenberg, Fourier and Quine's,...
uncertainty principles in more abstract terms.
As I compile and interpret many facts from life, my language
becomes more of a high-level one. Let me explain.
I've all but finished Simpson's fiction book[1]. The epilogue by
Stephan J. Gould[3] remarks how fiction can be used as a high-level
language allowing concepts that the more factual scientific
journals would never admit.
Gould recognizes that analogical "facts" can be conveyed more
systemically in fiction than in journals where only concrete
(logically and causually connected) facts are allowed.
Hence, Simpson (a renowned paleontologist) expressed in his
fictional book, ideas which he could not have published in
journals because there was no evidence of their happening in
the historical records; but that these things he was thinking of
"should" have happened, because he knew the constraints which
necessitated their happening.
The knowledge of the constraints and implications, was
more important than whether the historical records showed
the events they necessitated.
In this manner theory supercedes empirical evidence, prophesy
supercedes prediction, and analogy supercedes logic.
This is in part an economy of expression. Empirical and
logical proof take a sizeable amount of space and time to
enunciate and the simplest (economically in terms of
space-time complexity) method of conveying a large
body of facts without also delivering the proofs
Now, if can I see far into the future, realizing its constraints,
and I see danger, should I take the long route and try
to _prove_ what I see will happen, will actually happen ? [4]
By the time I expound the logical rationale, the danger will
already have occurred. It would instead be spatially and
temporally economical for me to relate the danger in
a high-level language "Look out !" rather than some equation
showing the probable collision of someone and a train.
In this manner Douglas Adam's relates both logical and
analogical facts using fictional scenarios as a high-level
language, thus avoiding having to take the space and time
to relate the information. And we call this poetic insight
or prophesy, or something similar.
Much of history's so called fiction, accounts for a huge
body of facts in this manner. The various religious
documents are indeed prophetic in this manner. John writes
of the Revelation and Judgement Day because he knew that
one day, mankind would comprehend itself (revelation, from which
the word apocalypse comes) and in doing so, mankind would
then have a basis, or metric space-time, in which to judge
itself (Judgement day).
Understanding oneself, _is_ being able to judge one's self.
Such Revelation necessitates Judgement day.
Apparently, John felt this would happen someday for a larger
portion of mankind than the few enlightened people scattered
here and there.
And that sudden chain reaction would have such a profound effect
on mankind that it would lead to horrible wars and conflicts as
all the religions and sciences battled to avoid consumation,
convergence and singularity implied by this unified theory of
everything: as mankind "awakens", itself becomes conscious of
itself with a tramatic species-level "birth".
Douglas Adam's portrays this in many cases but particularly when he
talks about the Babelfish, both in terms of proving the simultaneous
[non]existence of God and in leading "to more and bloodier wars".
The Babelfish is Adam's Fourier transform, translating the
left and right brain, translating Marketing and DP, and
translating space into time, ..., and vice versa.
Adam's also employs the B-ark survivors as translators. He remarks
that when they were disposed of by the extrema of A and C arkers,
they eventually were killed off by "a virus caught from dirty
The virus is a code-skirter. It enters into the body when the
body cannot translate its codes as being dangerous.
The missing translators, lead to the Golgafrichin
A and C arkers deaths because they needed the translators to
recognize virii[6].
By the digression to biblical prophesy I don't mean to imply that
I am being religious in the usual sense of the word, nor am I
being sectarian. Rather I follow more closely with Adam's atheism
**for the sole purpose of attenuating** those projected and
inevitable inter-racial, inter-faith, and even inter-gender wars
that will arise due to the convergence phenomena.
Many other cultures and religions have apocalyptic projections
and the Hopi prophesies tend to be just as understandable to me
as the Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish,...
The Towers of Brahma will cease their deterministic process
and that will be the end of "one" world, and the birth of a new
semi-deterministic world.
I think the Hopi call this new world, 'the fifth world' :
The periodic reversals of power throughout history between time
and space centered economies would ultimately converge to a
space-time centered economy. The historian Parkinson (Parkinson's law)
took interest in the East-West reversals of powers in this
same sense, where the "East" is generally more space economized,
and the "West" is generally more time economised.
Icons, hieroglyphs probably come from space-centered societies
where the time to create them was less important than the amount
of information that could be stored in a small space. The carrier
(clay or stone) was more important to conserve than the signal
(virtual ink).
The phonetic alphabets probably come more from time centered
societies where the speed of production more important the real
estate of what it was written on in terms of redundant characters.
The carrier (paper was not as important to conserve as the signal
Now we have neither paper nor ink to conserve and so we are a
space-time centered society in the 'formal language theory'
complexity sense.
The Hopi say[5]:
The Hopi are a microcosm of the world.
"The dimensions in time and space will vary in accordance with the
conduct of man and nature."
"We are at the final stages now... So as our prophecy says then it
must be up to the people with good pure hearts that will not be
afraid to help us to fulfill our destiny in peace for this world."
- Dan Evehema,
Hopi Elder
I think some of their prophesies are tainted by the ad-libbing of
"undergrads" and "graduate" students in the finish work, but this
is true of all phrophesies from any culture or religion.
As the 'telephone effect' tends to degrade the interpretation over
time an the message imbedded into that soft carrier of
"scientifictions", as Simpson like to call them, deteriates
and fades.
[1] The Decronization of Sam Magruder, George Gaylord Simpson
[2] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas N. Adams
[3] In stark contrast to Arthur C. Clark's prelude of the same book.
[4] There is the same problem working backwards in time
as Simpson points out in his book.
[5] I am perfectly aware that it is improper to quote Hopi
out of context, or photograph or otherwise record their
words or images.
I believe I understand the nature of this belief better
than many people do.
But I also think that I understand Dan Evehema's decision
to break with tradition and publish the likenesses of the
Sacred tablets and the translation into English of Hopi
[6] I do realize that Adam's places the Marketers into the B-ark
and that I have portrayed them as being right-brainers earlier
in comparison with DP, but you will have to trust me that
the explanation for this discrepancy would take a long time
to expound on, and would only digress from the really important
information that is elsewhere.